报告题目:Structure Tensor Based Analysis of Cells and Nuclei Organization in Tissues
报告内容:Extracting geometrical information from large 2D or 3D biomedical images is important to better understand fundamental phenomena such as morphogenesis. We address the problem of automatically analyzing spatial organization of cells or nuclei in 2D or 3D images of tissues. This problem is challenging due to the usually low quality of microscopy images as well as their typically large sizes. The structure tensor is a simple and robust descriptor that was developed to analyze textures orientation. Contrarily to segmentation methods which rely on an object based modeling of images, the structure tensor considers the sample at a macroscopic scale, like a continuous medium. We show that this tool allows quantifying two important features of nuclei in tissues: their privileged orientation as well as the ratio between the length of their main axes. A quantitative evaluation of the method is provided for synthetic and real 2D and 3D images. As an application, we analyze the nuclei orientation and anisotropy on multicellular tumor spheroids cryosections. This analysis reveals that cells are elongated in a privileged direction that is parallel to the spheroid boundary. A Matlab toolbox and an Icy plugin are available to use the proposed method.
报告人简介:张文星,电子科技大学副教授,2012年博士毕业于南京大学数学系。2014-2015年在法国图卢兹大学从事博士后研究。先后访问香港大学、香港中文大学、香港浸会大学等高校。主要研究兴趣为最优化理论与算法、变分不等式及应用。2017年入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。在Math Comput, Inverse Problems, SIAM J Imaging Sci, IEEE Trans Medical Imag, IEEE Trans Image Process, Comput Optim Appli等杂志发表论论文20余篇。